Scripture Reading - Romans 11:16 KJV

For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.

Just this week we (ihlcc) were discussing healing for the physical body when the Lord brought to our attention the thoughts of “First Fruit”. For those who are not familiar with what the “first fruit or fruits” are, it is the best and the freshest gift you can offer to God. From the beginning the Lord required the “first fruits” of your labors as tithes to be given unto Him as a small exchange for His complete blessing upon what you placed in His Care. The “First Fruit” represent your heart being fully into your small part because you fully respect (and expect) God doing His best in His large part. Yes, “fruit fruits” include money but it is also the offspring of your cattle or the best of your harvest. “First fruits” generally mean examining very closely your increase to measure out exactly what is God’s for the use of His servants unto the glory of His Kingdom (God’s way of doing things). This offering unto God requires His favor to bring the Lord’s blessing upon where your need is, so it is to our advantage that we get it right. Therefore, when thinking upon the broadness of “first-fruit” the Lord prompted us to consider this principle when it comes to divine healing. We have seen many people run to and fro looking for a guaranteed remedy for certain bodily (physical and mental) ailments. Some trust in doctors and their prescribed medicine(s), others trust in holistic approaches, while others trust in organic foods, even oils and natural elements are considered healing agents in our modern time. Yes, there are specific home remedies that have stood the test of time, such that some people will swear by them. However, God’s Word stands sure, “By His Stripes You were Healed! – 1 Peter 2:24 God’s Word never changes, it is a Forever Word in any and all situations, yes every circumstance of this life is subject to the Word of God. As Christians we must strive to walk by faith when it comes to trusting in God for our healing. Yes, some Believers pray after they have considered other remedies while many others only pray as a formality out of a sense of duty. We (ihlcc) see a saddening trend in our society today that is very alarming. The problem is this: Many sons and daughters of God only come to God with their second, third and fourth fruit. Which basically means that their heart considers first healing outside of God’s Word, then they add God’s scriptures of healing to their big bag of possible healing remedies. Although this is very common it is not wise because the principle of “First Fruit” speaks against a foundation built on sand as opposed to the solid rock of God’s Word. When you humble yourself first and come directly to the Lord with your claim to healing based upon His Word you have given God your “first fruit”. This type of softness of heart is the only foundations that we should build upon if we are believing for divine healing. We must do this first as our holy offering of prayer and confession unto God so that He can bless our words and be pleased with our heart to manifest His Healing Power directly to our point of need. Please dear saint do not get us (ihlcc) wrong we are not opposed at all to other healing agents. We only stress “don’t place those natural elements on a higher plain than God’s Word because that can work against God’s Grace and Power”. For example; if I only come to my Heaven Father as a last resort He will not be able to offer His divine help first. If you don’t sow “first fruit” (your best at the beginning) you cannot expect His best at the beginning either. We should sow the Pure Word of God with a humble heart of faith expecting God’s divine Grace to manifest His Healing. This must be done first, not second or third or fourth etc… When we do our “first fruits” we place ourselves in the proper position to receive an abundant harvest of healing for your physical body, mental health and spiritual life. Yes, we (ihlcc) know that the Lord is very merciful and gracious, such that He will take whatever you give Him and bless it as best as He can but know full well that you are determining your harvest by your action along with His. It is not one-hundred percent (100%) fully up to God what you receive in life you have vital role also because “whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap”. So be wise before God and working with your fellowman give unto the Lord what rightfully belongs to Him, the “first fruit” of your prayers, confessions, increase and heart. Remember, you are the temple of the Holy Ghost so know that your body and all bodies in your Christian family belong to Him (The Lord) so give Him first place (the “first fruits) so that He can openly and more easily perform His divine Will in the body which He bought and paid for with the precious Blood of Jesus Christ, our Healer and Savoir. Amen! Remember, we are blessed when we walk not in the counsel of the wicked (mere men) natural way of thinking, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers; but our delight is to be in the law of the Lord (God’s Word), and on His Law (His Word) we meditate day and night. Psalm 1:1,2